Waiver and Release Liability:
I hereby certify that I am in good condition and am able to safely participate in The Boys and Girls Club of Victoria’s Water Fun Run. I am fully aware of the hazards and voluntarily assume all risks of injury that I may sustain as a result of my participation in this event. I hereby release The Boys and Girls Club of Victoria and all minicial agencies whose property and/or personnel are used and other sponsoring or co-sponsoring company(ies), agency(ies), or individual(s) (collectively the “Parties”) from responsibility or any injuries or damages I may suffer as a result of my participation in this event, except to the extent that any such injuries or damages I may suffer are a result of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any such Party or Parties. I will additionally permit the use of my name and picture in broadcasts, telecasts, newspapers, brochures, etc. I have read the entry information provided for the event and certify my compliance by submitting payment and completing registration.